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Spanish Partners


Asociación para la Promoción, Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica de la Industria del Calzado y Conexas de La Rioja (CTCR): The Footwear Technology Centre of La Rioja (CTCR), located in the Spanish town Arnedo (La Rioja), serves as the hub of the footwear sector and the area, providing with its highly qualified staff and excellent facilities innovative research and development solutions


CALZADOS PITILLOS S.A. is a footwear manufacturing company that belongs to the business group GRUPO PITILLOS, created in Arnedo (La Rioja) by Juan Antonio Hernández in 1981 in a small familiar workshop, which with a very broad vision of the future strengthened the company in the footwear market. Thus, he started in the workshop serygraphing ‘Naranjito’ during 1982 Football World Cup, to become the first producer of Spanish footwear.


Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITAINNOVA) is a non-profit technology centre whose main objective is to promote competitiveness in the industrial sector by means of the development, acquisition, adaptation and transfer of innovative technologies. ITAINNOVA offers its services with a clear market orientation, providing real and innovative solutions from its lines of research and development, which transform and accelerate the technological processes of companies or new challenges in our society.


Muebleconfort was founded in 1964, as an industrial company devoted to the design, manufacture and commercialisation of upholstered furniture. The headquarters of the company is located in El Burgo de Ebro, Zaragoza (Spain). Annual turnover: 2,400,000€; Nº employees: 26


Sensing Tex is a technology-based company, with a completely holistic approach, with a high international profile and market orientation. The company is highly dynamic and innovative managed by a multidisciplinary team. Its technology is completely sustainable and competitive in an industry such as the Printed Electronics and the e-Textiles with very good future prospects. The technology is based mainly on the application and use of printed inks on Large Area textile substrates (MATs), so called the Technologies. International patents protect already our Technologies. Sensing Tex’ Technologies can be integrated into any type of fabric.