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Eurocarers – Association Européenne Travaillant Avec Et Pour Les Aidants Non-Professionnels


Eurocarers brings together 59 carers’ organisations as well as relevant research & development organisations from 27 countries – a unique combination that enables evidence-based advocacy. These organisations may function at the EU, national, sub-national or regional level (depending on the structures of national health and social service systems). A complete listing of current member organisations institutions and interested persons is available on the Eurocarers website. Eurocarers’ secretariat is based in Brussels.

Eurocarers works for a future in which caring is recognised and valued, and in which unpaid carers do not face poverty, social exclusion or discrimination. The network aspires to be the leading authority on carers and their contribution to the sustainability of health and long-term care systems across the EU. The role of carers is more crucial than ever due to demographic changes and challenges to formal health and social care services throughout Europe. The aim of Eurocarers is:

  • To raise awareness of the significant contribution made by carers to health and social care systems and the economy as a whole, and of the need to safeguard this contribution; and
  • To ensure that EU and national policies take account of carers, i.e. promote social inclusion of carers, the development of support services for carers, enable them to remain active in paid employment and maintain a social
