Home / Project Partners / Spanish Partners / Asociación para la Promoción, Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica de la Industria del Calzado y Conexas de La Rioja

Asociación para la Promoción, Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica de la Industria del Calzado y Conexas de La Rioja

Asociación para la Promoción, Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica de la Industria del Calzado y Conexas de La Rioja (CTCR): The Footwear Technology Centre of La Rioja (CTCR), located in the Spanish town Arnedo (La Rioja), serves as the hub of the footwear sector and the area, providing with its highly qualified staff and excellent facilities innovative research and development solutions

The CTCR was constituted as a private non-profit association with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of businesses creating added value in products and production processes.

The CTCR is one of the most important research centres specialized in footwear and related industries of Spain. By the end of 2016, the CTCR had more than 30 collaborators and 100 partners, of which 75% were manufacturers or distributers of footwear and 23% of related industries.

The CTCR carries out different technological RDI projects funded by enterprises and public or private entities. Since its creation up to the present date, the CTCR has carried out over 150 projects in RDI and sustainability, including the participation in 5 projects funded by the European Commission (FP7, Eurostars, Life+ and I4MS).

The CTCR has the knowledge and the human and material resources for the development of RDI projects in following areas:

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Nanotechnology and New Materials
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Electronics and Automation
  • Mechanics and Prototyping

The CTCR can also certificate footwear according to international standards, with more than 60 tests for finished product and/or components.

In addition, as a hub of the footwear sector, the CTCR has the capability of validate and transfer technologies to the footwear companies, thanks to its more than 100 partners.

The CTCR has also an extensive contact network, which includes more than 500 people from companies, research centres and other organizations, and several means of communication to disseminate the results of the project, such as its own magazine, website, social networks, newsletters, press, TV and scientific journals. The CTCR also attend fairs and events of footwear, textile, innovation, safety or fashion between others, and organize seminars and sessions on project results in its facilities, for which it has a hall with a capacity of 200 people.

In addition, the CTCR belongs to several organizations and associations, highlighting the Federation of Technological Centres of Spain (FEDIT), the Federation of Spanish Footwear Industries (FICE), Pacto Mundial Spain (The Global Compact) and the Spanish Diversity Charter. It has also the certifications UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001 and UNE 166002 by AENOR, and the seal of the Agriculture, Food and Environment Ministry of the Spanish Government, MAGRAMA, by its carbon footprint registration.
